The American Chamber of Commerce in Myanmar (AMCHAM Myanmar) celebrated its members’ corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs at a ceremony held in conjunction with a traditional American Thanksgiving luncheon at Pan Pacific Hotel Yangon. The November 2018 event was presided over by the U.S. Ambassador to Myanmar, H.E. Scot Marciel.
The AMCHAM CSR Excellence (ACE) Recognition Program was launched in August 2015 as part of the Chamber’s objective to encourage corporate social responsibility in Myanmar. Each year, the ACE program awards special recognition to AMCHAM member companies who demonstrate exemplary CSR programs, creating innovative and sustainable economic and social benefits in the local Myanmar communities where they operate.
In his opening remarks, AMCHAM Vice President Mark Hardcastle, noted that “It is fundamental to our philosophy that good ethics and good business are synonymous. We believe that American business plays an important role as a catalyst for positive social change by promoting human welfare and the principles of free enterprise.”
In order to achieve the ACE recognition, applicants’ CSR program must achieve a minimum benchmark across five categories:
- Overall Integration of CSR Programming and Value Creation
- Sustainability of Programming
- Measurability of Results and Reporting
- Communications of CSR Programming
- Partnerships
This year the AMCHAM CSR Excellence awards ceremony recognized seventeen companies whose sustainable and impactful CSR programs met this high standard. Additionally, six of the companies received Silver status distinction for achieving ACE recognition for three consecutive years.
Ambassador Scot Marciel remarked that: “Thanksgiving is the traditional American holiday where we express gratitude. In that spirit, I would like to say thank you to all the AMCHAM member companies for the CSR activities they lead. These companies distinguish themselves as good corporate citizens and, as I have seen first-hand, their CSR contributions are having a positive impact on Myanmar society.”
AMCHAM Myanmar Executive Director, Zara Dang, congratulated the ACE award winners and said: “The concept of corporate social responsibility has evolved to mean much more than simply charitable donations or improving corporate reputation. The ACE recipients have succeeded in pairing their company’s strengths with the needs of the local community to generate shared value and achieve mutual goals. In this season of giving thanks, we take a moment to recognize all of the wonderful CSR activities of the AMCHAM member companies and their contribution to Myanmar’s development.”
2018 ACE Recognition Recipients (in alphabetical order):
- Ball Asia Pacific (Yangon) Metal Container Limited
- BG Myanmar (SME)
- British American Tobacco Myanmar Ltd.
- Chatrium Hotel Royal Lake Yangon (Silver status)
- Chevron/Unocal Myanmar Offshore Co., Ltd.
- Coca-Cola Limited
- Global Technology Group (Silver status)
- Hilton Myanmar (Silver status)
- InyaLand Co., Ltd. (Silver status)
- Myan Shwe Pyi Tractors Ltd. (Silver status)
- Myanmar Distillery Company Limited (Silver status)
- Novotel Yangon Max
- Pacific Alpine Myanmar Ltd.
- Shwe Than Lwin Company Limited
- SMART Technical Services Co., Ltd. (SME)
- Standard Chartered Bank
- ThanLwin Legal (SME)
Source: The American Chamber of Commerce in Myanmar (AMCHAM Myanmar)
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