On 11 February 2019, NYDC announced the Request for Expression of Interest (EOI) to participate in the Stage-2 infrastructure projects, which included six work streams, namely,
- Power Supply and Distribution;
- Natural Gas Supply and Distribution;
- Cyber Connectivity;
- Public Transport;
- Waste Management;
- Convention and Exhibition Center for the New Yangon City.
According to the New Yangon Development Committee CEO Serge Pun, the NYDC received an aggregate of 77 EOI submissions from 45 companies/consortiums interested to tender for the respective work streams.
To achieve transparency and fairness in the evaluation of the EOI submissions, NYDC established a strategic collaboration with Infrastructure Asia (IA), an infrastructure project facilitation office established by Enterprise Singapore and Monetary Authority of Singapore to support infrastructure financing and development in the region.
"NYDC and IA worked closely to exchange institutional and technical knowledge including best practices in project evaluation; scoped evaluation criteria and mechanism to manage the NYDC Challenge for the subject work streams; and jointly interviewed the qualified applicants," said Pun.
The evaluation was conducted via a "gated" approach comprising face-to-face interviews and holistic assessment of the applicants covering technical experience, technical capacity and financial capacity. Qualified applicants who passed the minimum selection criteria were ranked based on their technical and financial capacity and the top three applicants were selected for a second round of interviews.
"After a lengthy and elaborated process, a preferred applicant was finally selected for the first two work streams - electricity and gas supply. The chosen preferred applicant shall henceforth negotiate with NYDC to undertake preliminary works and feasibility studies to prepare for the Pre-Project Documents (PPD), upon which the NYDC Challenge will be conducted."
NYDC announced that the following companies/consortiums have been chosen to be the preferred applicant.
- For the Power Supply and Distribution - PPT GROUP comprising PTT/PTTEP/GPSC from Thailand.
- For the Natural Gas Supply and Distribution - Indraprastha Gas Limited and Gail Consortium (the IGL Consortium) from India.
"I take this opportunity to congratulate PPT GROUP and IGL Consortium to be chosen as the preferred applicants for the first two work streams."
"The NYDC have also started the evaluation process for the remaining work streams starting with Cyber Connectivity Infrastructure and will provide an update when the review process is completed."
For further information about the Request for Expressions of Interest and the New Yangon City visit the NYDC website
Source: NYDC
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